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Oct 21, 2010

Must Have Books

Dear Felow Copywriters,
Here's a list of books which can help you make it big in the world of copywriting. Go ahead, Enjoy!

1. Scientific Advertising- Claude C Hopkins

2. The Copy Book - Alastair Crompton

3. How to Write a Good Advertisement- Victor O Schwab

4. The Copywriter’s Handbook- Robert W Bly

5. The 100 Greatest Advertisements- Julian Watkin

6. Hypnotic Writing- Joe Vitale

7. Teach Yourself  Copywriting- J Jonathan Gabey

8. The Elements of Copywriting- Gary Blake & Robert W Bly

9. Phrases That Sell- Edward Werz and Sally Germain

10. Cutting Edge Copywriting- Indra Sinha

11. Triggers- Joe Sugarman

12. On Writing- Stephen King

13. Influence- Robert Cialdini

14. Tested Advertising Methods- John Caples

15. Wizard of Ads (Trilogy)- Roy H Wuilliams

16. The Craft of Copywriting- Alastair Crompton

17. Cutting Edge Print- Jim Aitchison

18. Ogilvy on Advertising- David Ogilvy